Friday, February 6, 2009

My family

I met my wife at the college I attended, we got married on the October, the Fall of 1998, since then we've been blessed at all times. My wife is preparing to enter a new field with her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University. The same private University I am doing my studies. I trust my God will open a new environment for me to be utilized. I always reminisce of my pastor's word of wisdom; "only the sky is the limit" There is no limitation of God's providence, there is no one who can undermind God's plan for each and every child, no men can determine anyone destiny or making a prediction how that person will is absolutely impossible to out-law God's data base and creating your own. The point is, only Him makes the decision for you and me and our very future.
I give God the Glory and honor for the beautiful wife and the children He gave me. It is awesome to live for Him. His sufficient blood purchase' and equipped us for His service. Serving Him pays it all! At times no one seems to understand my tribulation, frustration, and burdens I carried for years, but He came to me with His open arms consulting all my infirmities and gave me a new life that I enjoy in His goodness that "new every morning" ....I began to comprehend a significant role Christ had negotiated, and how much He suffered all for me. It is my privilege to extend what good Lord can do to your immediate family and abroad . I can assure you, He is a real pillars in my family and He can do the same to your family, if only you submit to Him. I believe strongly you can't be compromise to be recognize, there is no short roads in life. These are the thoughts that energize my faith and views when I'm thinking of capitalizing in my surroundings. It is our legitimate questions to ask ourselves, are we doing what we supposed to do or are we sailing away from the vital business we designed for? Compromises limiting recognition, but free spirit of doing what is right exhorts a men and a women. Indeed, good spirited elevates our level of doubts and gives us a confidence towards our Creator, this must be a story to tell our children. We took this initiative and implemented in our family, this is a reason God intended for everyone of us to enjoy such blessing..


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